Tuesday, May 22, 2012


What is a Rainforest?

Rainforests are very dense, warm, wet forests. They are havens for millions of plants and animals.

Rainforests are extremely important in the ecology of the Earth. The plants of the rainforest generate much of the Earth's oxygen. These plants are also very important to people in other ways; many are used in new drugs that fight disease and illness.


Animals of the Rainforests

An incredible number of animals live in rainforests. Millions of insects, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and mammals call them home. Insects are the most numerous animals in rainforests. Tropical rainforests have a greater diversity of plants and animals than temperate rainforests or any other biome.

In temperate rainforests, most of the animals are ground dwellers and there are fewer animals living in the forest canopy



The temperature in a rainforest never freezes and never gets very hot. The range of temperature in a tropical rainforest is usually between 75° F and 80° F (24-27° C). Temperate rainforests rarely freeze or get over 80° F (27° C).


Where are deserts  located?

Many deserts are found in bands along 30 degrees latitude north and 30 degrees latitude south (between the red lines on the map).

Some deserts located by mountains and are caused by the "rainshadow" effect. As air moves up over a mountain range, it gets cold and loses the ability to hold moisture -- so it rains or snows. When the air moves down the other side of the mountain, it gets warmer. Warm air can hold lots of moisture, so it doesn't rain as much, and a desert is formed.

Reference: http://www.mbgnet.net/sets/desert/index.htm

Animals in the deserts

Animals in the desert must survive in a hostile environment. Intense heat, searing sun, and lack of water are just a few of the challenges facing desert animals.

Animals that live in the hot desert have many adaptations. Some animals never drink, but get their water from seeds (some can contain up to 50% water) and plants. Many animals are noncturnol, sleeping during the hot day and only coming out at night to eat and hunt. Some animals rarely spend any time above ground. Spadefoot toads spend nine months of every year underground!

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What is a Grassland?

Grasslands are areas where the vegetation is mainly grass. Grasslands are one of the main biomes that have natural vegetation. Grasslands are usually found between dryer areas and wetter areas. There are grasslands with tall grass and others with short grass scattered around the world.

Reference : http://library.thinkquest.org/08aug/00473/grasslands.html

Where are Grasslands?

 Grasslands are located in North America's interior ,in southeastern South America (Argentina's pampas and the campos of Uruguay and Brazil), in Eurasia (the Eurasian steppe in Mongolia and parts of the former Soviet Union), in Africa (the semi-arid steppes of the Sahel of north-central Africa and the wetter grasslands, veldts, of East Africa and Madagascar), and in Australia and New Zealand (called rangelands).

  Many animals live in grasslands, from invertebrates (like grasshoppers and beetles) to large mammals (like antelopes and bison). The different grasslands of the world support different populations of animals.

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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Types of environments

Different types of environments exist all over our planet. When you are in the middle of one it is often easy to see what makes it special.  
Scientists divide environments into smaller groups . For example, forests are one of the major types of environment. For example, rainforests , cold places, deserts and grasslands.


An environment is a collection of all the animals and plants in a specific area of land or water. Examples of environments are wetlands, deserts, grasslands, forests, and oceans. Scientists also refer to environments as ecosystems.

  Many people use the two terms interchangeably, for example, “desert environment” or “desert ecosystem.” Each environment has its own characteristics such as climate, soil or water make-up, and plant and animal life. Sometimes people just talk about “the environment.” They might say, “We need to help protect the environment.” What they mean is everything on Earth — the whole Earth environment.